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Tic Tac Toe

Ever play tic tac toe? No? Fine. Well let’s start there. Players will be divided up and play tic tac toe. We’ll have somewhat of a competition. Winner take candy bar?

Tic tac toe isn’t a game of skill. Well it is but you can get to a level and that level can’t be improved upon. In fact, if everyone cared enough, everyone could equal their skill and no one would ever win. Imagine a world like that…

Check this out: http://xkcd.com/832/ That is a strategy for Tic Tac Toe. Pretty cool huh? Well you guessed it.

Your goal is create a program that plays tic tac toe in multiple modes:

  1. Player vs Player
  2. Computer vs Player
  3. Computer vs Computer

Your print out on your console will be somewhat visual:

No spaces will look like this

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

And when you add players locations:

_ X _

0 _ _

_ _ X

You have all of the necessary skills in java to do this. From loops to arrays, you’ve learned an extensive amount of programming syntax and ideals and now it is time to apply. Fear not young coder, you will prevail. Where to start? Make a list of all things to do. This helps too: http://ibmathsresources.com/2013/11/24/game-theory-and-tic-tac-toe/

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